Norway National Day at Southwark Park 2017

Norway National Day at Southwark Park 2017

Southwark Park is the background to celebrate the Norway National Day as in previous years with special events at the Norwegian Church in Albion Street in Rotherhithe prior to the main activities in the park.

You should expect a good turnout to the event; everyone is welcome to join happy Norwegians and all their friends all day long to commemorate the Norwegian Constitution Day.

Norway National Day Program:

(Here in WISE16, we haven’t passed our proficiency level in Norwegian yet so expect a few mistakes)

There will activities prior to the start of the celebration in the park.

The Norwegian School in London

  • 8:45 The event at The Norwegian School in London opens
  • 9:00 hoist of the flag.
  • 9:30 May 17 breakfast at school.
  • 11.00 Bus departure from school to Southwark Park.

The Norwegian Seamen’s Church

  • 11:00 to 12:15 Fest Liturgy of the Norwegian Seamen’s Church.
  • 12:15 Church Coffee.
  • 12.30 SMK 1919 plays outside the church and leads the way to the park.

Southwark Park

  • 11.00 Southwark Park opens and all the booths are up. Entrance from the gates in Jamaica Road, as well as at the roundabout towards the Seaman’s Church (Paradise Gate).
  • Entrance ticket £ 2 per Person including two lots (also applies to children).
  • 11.00 May 17th-Breakfast v / Scandinavian Kitchen (Remember to pre-order). Flaggheising of 17th May Committee Patrick J. Smith.
  • 11.45 Entertainment “YazStar”
  • 12.15 Pause
  • 12.25 Entertainment “Swing It Dixieband”
  • 13.00 Welcome and programme of the day by deputy chairman of the 17th committee Patrick J. Smith.
  • 13.05 Allsang «Yes we love», forsenders from Sjømannskirkens Olavskor.
  • 13.10 “Valdres march” by SMK 1919
  • 13.15 – 14.00 May 17th
  • Train arrangement and order: 17. Maikomiteen with official guests, SMK 1919, flaggborg w / youth stage DNS, The Norwegian Kindergarten, The Norwegian School in London; 1st, 2nd, etc. Saturday School, other teams and associations.
  • 14.00 Allsang “Norway in red, white and blue” with forsenders from “Olavskoret”.
  • 14.00 Introduction of the main speaker, Mona Juul.
  • 14.10 Main speech with Minister of Knowledge Torbjørn Røe Isaksen
  • 14.30 – 16.00 Traditional 17.maileker v / The Norwegian School.
  • 14.30 Musical entertainment “Amini”
  • 15.00 Tale by Jonas Frigstad 10th and July Show 9th stage of the Norwegian School.
  • 15.05 Musical feature of the school band at the Norwegian School.
  • 15.15 Speech by students from Saturday school.
  • 15.20 Musical features from the Sjømannskirk family choir.
  • 15.30 Info
  • 15.45 Musical entertainment “Jarle Skavhellen”
  • 16.30 Finish and well home

Evening events:

Party dinner in the Norwegian Club at 19

ANSA London and Econa’s student event

Celebrate the National Day at the Norwegian Church: cakes served

Lord May0r of London, Andrew Parmley and the SMK1919 Corps play back to welcome outside at the new place from 18.30.

Tickets for the dinner £ 20 for adults, OAP & students and £10 for children.

NOTE: Report any allergies in advance to Line.

[button link=”” size=“large” icon=”fa-external-link-square” side=”left” target=“blank” color=”b70900″ textcolor=”ffffff”]Click here to book tickets or further information ( in Norwegian)[/button]

[toggles title=”Program for dagen: “]Program for dagen:

Den Norske Skolen i London
08.45 Arrangementet ved Den Norske Skolen i London åpner.
09.00 Flaggheising.
09.30 17. mai frokost på skolen.
11.00 Bussavgang fra skolen til Southwark Park.

Den Norske Sjømannskirken
11.00 – 12.15 Festgudstjeneste i Den Norske Sjømannskirken.
12.15 Kirkekaffe utenfor kirken
12.45 SMK 1919 spiller utenfor kirken og leder an til parken.

Southwark Park
11.00 Southwark Park åpner og alle bodene er oppe. Inngang fra portene i Jamaica Road (Christ Church Gate), samt ved rundkjøringen retning Sjømannskirken (Paradise Gate). Inngangsbillett £2 pr. person inklusive to lodd (gjelder også barn).
11.00 17. mai-frokost v/Scandinavian Kitchen (husk å forhåndsbestill). Flaggheising v/17.maikomiteens leder Patrick J. Smith.
11.45 Underholdning “YazStar”
12.15 Pause
12.25 Underholdning “Swing It Dixieband”
13.00 Velkommen og info om dagen ved nestleder i 17.mai komiteen Patrick J. Smith.
13.05 Allsang «Ja vi elsker», forsangere fra Sjømannskirkens Olavskor.
13.10 “Valdresmarsj” v/SMK 1919
13.15 – 14.00 17. mai tog
Togoppstillingen og rekkefølge: 17. Maikomiteen med offisielle gjester, SMK 1919, flaggborg m/ungdomstrinnet DNS, The Norwegian Kindergarten, Den Norske Skolen i London; 1. trinn, 2. trinn osv, Lørdagsskolen, andre lag og foreninger.
14.00 Allsang «Norge i rødt, hvitt og blått” med forsangere fra “Olavskoret”.
14.00 Introduksjon av hovedtaler v/Mona Juul.
14.10 Hovedtale v/kunnskapsminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen
14.30 – 16.00 Tradisjonelle 17.maileker v/ Den Norske Skolen.
14.30 Musikalsk underholdning ”Amini”
15.00 Tale v/Jonas Frigstad 10.trinn og Julie Vist 9. trinn v/ Den Norske Skolen.
15.05 Musikalsk innslag av skolebandet på Den Norske Skolen.
15.15 Tale v/elever fra Lørdagsskolen.
15.20 Musikalsk innslag fra Sjømannskirkens familiekor.
15.30 Info
15.45 Musikalsk underholdning “Jarle Skavhellen”
16.30 Avslutning og vel hjem


Festmiddag i den Den Norske Klubben kl 19

ANSA London og Econa’s student arrangement

Nasjonalfest på Sjømannskirken kl 19: Snitter og bløtkake. Vi får besøk av Lord Mayer of London, Andrew Parmley og korpset SMK1919 spiller opp til velkomst utenfor på den nye plassen fra 18.30. Pris: £20 for voksne/pensjonister/studenter og £10 for barn. Du kan betale med PayPal under. OBS: Meld fra om eventuelle allergier på forhånd til Line.[/toggles]

[alert color=”grey”]Sjømannskirken i London, St Olavs kirke 1.St.Olav’s Square Albion Street, Rotherhithe London SE16 7JB United Kingdom[/alert]

[button link=”” size=”large” icon=”fa-globe” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”b70900″ textcolor=”ffffff”]Norwegian Church in London[/button]

[button link=”” size=”large” icon=”fa-twitter” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”466fb7″ textcolor=”ffffff”]@norchurchlondon[/button]

[button link=”” size=”large” icon=”fa-facebook” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”7c90b7″ textcolor=”ffffff”]Event information in Facebook/button]


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