Buy these children’s books to help Breathe Arts

Breathe Magician Jez Rose has self-published two fantastically fun children’s books, with all proceeds going to our Breathe Magic programme.

The colourful, rhyming books come signed by Jez, with a special letter of thanks from the stars of the stories, his dogs.

To purchase and support Breathe Magic, click the buttons below:

I’ve had the privilege of working with Breathe for a couple of years now and when I first witnessed the literally life-changing work the Breathe Magic project achieves, I was moved to tears. I recognised in a tiny way, just how special it is to have your life changed, whilst having fun. What better way to help Breathe Magic than to donate the proceeds of sales of these books to them?

Jez Rose

About Breathe Arts

Breathe Arts

Breathe’s mission is to turn fresh ideas and creativity into practical change for the better.

What makes us unique is the way we collaborate equally across the three sectors of arts, health and science, working with the very best people in each field.

We are delighted to be one of the first not-for-profit Community Interest Companies with its roots in arts-in-health to be recognised by organisations such as NHS England for our work. We want to keep breaking new ground within healthcare not just for the sake of our clients, but also to bring about opportunities for other forward-thinking organisations, and change across the entire healthcare sector.

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