Othello at The Brunel Museum

This is the return of Quirkspace’s gripping, all female production of Othello directed by Danäe Cambrook, in one of London’s most atmospheric venues.

Desdemona and Othello have fallen fiercely in love. General Othello fights alongside his soldiers defending Cyrus from the Turkish invasion, but at the heart of the military camp a war is raging closer to the heart. Betrayal, manipulation and jealousy and voilently intertwined in Shakespeare’s gripping tale of power, love and the green-eyed monster.

The Brunel Museum | 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd May 2019 | £8 / £10

The unique acoustic of this special venue will definitely make this an evening to remember.

The Brunel Museum Thames Shaft

The Thames Tunnel, was when it was first opened in 1843, known as the eighth wonder of the world. In this time, the Brunels did not just build bridges and tunnels, they organised concert parties, dance events, underwater banquets. This venue has got wonderful acoustics for chamber music performances, and after recent renovations, public access is greatly improved, and it is quickly becoming a highly sought after location for concerts.

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©JackHobhouse / Brunel Museum

[textmarker color=”5C5C5C”]020 7231 3840[/textmarker] [button link=”mailto:info@brunel-museum.org.uk” size=“default” icon=”fa-envelope-o” side=”left” target=“blank” color=”a8b7b7″ textcolor=”ffffff”]info@brunel-museum.org.uk[/button]

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