Salmon Youth Centre Bermondsey -Sports and Adventure for young people

Salmon Youth Centre Bermondsey

Salmon Youth

[df-subtitle]Sports and Adventure for young people[/df-subtitle]

Salmon is a place where you can have massive amounts of fun, feel totally safe and make great friends. The centre offers opportunities to try loads of different activities, get stuck into what you are passionate about and realise your incredible potential.

It is not only about sports, it is also a place where the staff want to listen to you, whether it’s about how your day went, your plans for the future or a new activity we should put on in our clubs. so come in, chill out and make yourself at home – curling up on the sofa or battling it out on the football pitch. Come and ask difficult questions, get support and feel part of something incredible.

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Discover your adventure, find a sports activity

As part of many of the open clubs you have the chance to jump off a balcony, climb to the roof of the sports hall, try a tightrope walk or abseil from the top of the building – come and find out which session would suit you best, as there’s something for every adventurer!


Try your hand at non-contact boxing as part of the open clubs and gain a qualification if you stick the six week course.  Call for details.


Join the climbing and abseiling club where you can take on a challenge whether you are Spiderman or just a little monkey!

Cricket, Hockey, Frisbee, Badminton, Basketball

Each Monday you can try different sports so that you can have a taster of loads of new activities. Come along and discover what fresh sports you might enjoy playing – and don’t worry, the staff are always happy to add new sports if you have any ideas!!

Fitness Suite

The gym is open to young people who want to improve their fitness, tone up, or build some muscles. Come and speak to one of Salmon Youth Centre’s friendly staff about the opening times and to find out about special classes (some are girls only) where you can get fit with your friends!


Come to Salmon Tigers training on Wednesdays, where we are building 5-a-side teams to represent Salmon. If you just want to kick around, bring a few mates with you and enter the tournaments on Wednesday evenings – fun, friendly and footy mad!

Table tennis

Play against each other as part of Monday evening clubs and build your skills to see if you can enter one of our tournament teams… any ability can play.


6-11’s can join our expanding mini-tennis club,on Tuesdays where they receive coaching, play practice tournaments and get to compete against other youth groups. Bring a racquet or use one of ours!


The centre has sessions suitable for all bouncers, as well as girls only sessions, where you will have loads of fun learning skills and routines. For those who wish to do flips and somersaults, ask about the Bungee trampoline sessions!

Have a look at Salmon Youth Centre’s programme to find out when the different sessions take place!

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About The Salmon Youth Centre in Bermondsey

The Salmon Youth Centre
The Salmon Youth Centre 43 Old Jamaica Road London, SE16 4TE

The centre has been reaching out to young people in inner city London for over a hundred years. They welcome around 500 young people every week. Our doors are open to all young people, from all backgrounds, between six and 24 years, building long-term relationships with young people through regular social interaction.

Every week the centre runs five open access clubs and over twenty specialised clubs, including arts, sports and training sessions. Their targeted youthwork includes disability work, girls work, NEET work (young people Not in Education, Employment or Training), apprenticeships, young volunteers, Duke of Edinburgh Awards, day trips and residentials.



The young people they centre works with may be:

[list][item icon=”fa-star” ][/item]in care or leaving care;[/list]
[list][item icon=”fa-star” ][/item]an ex offender leaving prison[/list]
[list][item icon=”fa-star” ][/item]a young carer looking after a parent[/list]
[list][item icon=”fa-star” ][/item]young people facing abuse at home[/list]
[list][item icon=”fa-star” ][/item]those at risk of homelessness or offending[/list]
[list][item icon=”fa-star” ][/item]young people with disabilities[/list]

[blockquote author=”The Salmon Youth Centre”]We believe that every young person has potential and we work intensively to inspire young people to reach their potential and contribute positively to the community in which they live[/blockquote]

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Salmon Youth Centre Work Model

The Salmon Youth Centre in Bermondsey has been reaching out to young people in inner city London for over a hundred years.

Salmon’s youth work model is based on the foundation of “open access” for all young people. Our multi-purpose facilities and our skilled staff members provide a safe place and purpose for young people from the ages of six to 24. Salmon Youth Centre  supports young people’s transition to adulthood

Salmon membership is free and once the young people are in, the centre works to promote positive change in them and support their transition to adulthood in three key ways:

  • Improving Young People’s Health & Wellbeing and encouraging a continuous development of healthy eating habits and lifestyle;
  • Involving Young People in Positive Community Engagement through boosting their volunteering activities and political and spiritual awareness, increasing their ability to relate to others in the wider society;
  • Preparing Young People for Education and Work with the overall aim of improving their educational attainent, providing access to relevant training opportunities and supporting them in gaining meaningful employment.

Good relationships are key

In order to achieve these three key objectives,  the centre concentrates on building good relationships with young people through various activities. They undertake over 32 sessions and 60 mentoring relationships a week and run 60 day trips and 10 residentials a year.

Their programme includes children and youth work (6-9s, 10-13s and 14+) in sports, adventure, drama, dance and music, as well as detached youth work, outreach, mentoring, working with young people with disability, providing prison after-care support, assisting with school work, and carrying out group and one-to-one work.

Building good relationships opens the door to provide support to young people – especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged – in their personal lives, whether by dealing with challenging behaviours or intervening in the crisis situations and multi-faceted issues these young people often face.

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Getting there

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