Sands Films Cinema: The War You Don’t See -23 Feb 2021

Sands Films Cinema Club present an online presentation of John Pilger’s 2010 documentary film .

In The War You Don’t See, John Pilger returns to the subject of war reporting and its critical role in the making of wars. This ‘drum beat’ was the theme of Pilger’s 1983 documentary Frontline: The Search for Truth in Wartime, a history of war journalism from the Crimea in the 19th century (‘the last British war without censorship’) to Margaret Thatcher’s Falklands War in 1982.

The War You Don’t See analyses propaganda as a weapon in Iraq and Afghanistan. The title refers to censorship by omission – ‘the most virulent form of censorship,’ said Pilger – and the collusion of journalists in nominally free societies such as Britain and the United States.

This show is co-sponsored by the London Socialist Film Co-op and Committee for the Defence Julian Assange.

The film will be followed by a short discussion between two anti-war activists Sami Ramadani, lecturer in sociology and on the Executive Committee Stop The War Coalition and Jan Woolf, writer co-ordinator of No Glory in War.



The War You Don’t See

Tuesday 23rd February 2021 | 8pm | Free

Testing the stream connection will be around 7.45, the presentation will start at 8.00 sharp and the film soon after. Join us, send comments and support us if you can.

The War You Don't See by Sands Films Cinema Club


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