The Lodge Space opening photo gallery

The Lodge Space opening photo gallery

The Lodge Space
Photo by The Lodge Space
WISE16 paid a visit to the brand new business in Rotherhithe, The Lodge Space. The centre is located on 120a Lower Road SE16 2UB with the amazing Southwark Park as a background on the rear of the building. The first impression is a sense of space and light coming from the spacious terrace which we reached by crossing the lounge area. In here, it was a nice surprise to find the bar/kitchen (we were told the food menu will focus on healthy options) and large espresso machine – we couldn’t resist trying the cappuccino prepared by a very competent and friendly barista.

Lodge.Space’s owner Jane and manager Olly welcomed everyone who came to this “soft” opening and both were keen to take us for a tour of the facilities and we needed it! The is more the Lodge.SpaceS as there are many and distributed into two floors. The ground flour includes two studios, open terrace, lounge with kitchen and espresso coffee machine as we mentioned earlier and plenty of little details to make visitors feel at ease while waiting for their class or enjoy just a visit for a coffee or a bite. The tour continued downstairs with a visit to the changing facilities and the different treatments rooms available for massage and other holistic treatments including reiki

The range of activities is quite impressive, from Aerial Yoga to TRX Fitness plus Pilates, traditional Yoga, spinning or meditation. There is no doubt that this new health retreat centre will attract many people from not only Rotherhithe but Bermondsey and other areas. You can find The Lodge.Space in the usual social media (see links below)

We hope you enjoy this photo gallery of WISE16 visit. Follow us in Twitter and Facebook for more news about the Lodge.Space

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