OUTPOST- beyond the usual exhibition site or observed site.

Spanning photography, painting, printmaking, sculpture, drawing and film, Outpost brings together over 20 artists from the Bermondsey Artists’ Group, BAG, at Shortwave. 

Outpost is an open call to showcase the diverse range of practices that exist amongst local artists. Different discourses are revealed and some unexpected shared concerns emerge against the backdrop of the social space at Shortwave. 

Outpost can be seen as a snapshot of what is going on in the BAG artists’ studios at the moment. It is informal and not staged around a thematic exhibition. Outpost reveals a community of artists willing to share their creative outputs with their peers and the public alike and the start of a dialogue across boundaries, be those creative, social, political, or other.

Established in 1983 Bermondsey Artists’ Group BAG is an artist-led initiative that supports CGP London and creates opportunities for artists who live, work or study in Southwark. This peer-led network is a rare longstanding grassroots collective, maintaining a democratic framework and consistent core values; to support local artists to show their work and develop their practice.

Participating artists

  • Elisa Alaluusua
  • Colby Benari
  • Holly Birtles
  • Georgina Carless
  • Frances CoIeman
  • Jane Colling
  • Stephen Dunn
  • Tony Fleming
  • Emily Glass
  • Ron Henocq
  • Sophie Horton
  • Laura Hudson,
  • Yang-En Hume
  • Hilary McCallin
  • Pam Miller
  • Miyako Narita
  • Lewis Paul
  • Vicky Paul
  • Martin Pover
  • Louise Sheridan
  • Harald Smykla
  • Sarah Taylor
  • Natalie Webb

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About Shortwave Cafe

Shortwave Café is an art and events venue in Bermondsey’s busiest business complex where you can relax with colleagues over coffee and cake, catch up with friends for drinks after work, or check out the current art exhibition. The café is spacious and bright, with natural light provided by the same skylights that allowed the workers in the old Peek Frean’s factory to produce the Bourbons, Garibaldis, Custard Creams and Twiglets, whose aromas wafted out into the surrounding streets and homes. Join for coffee and cake, cocktails, wines or cold beers from local brewers while you lounge in comfortable chairs, or take in the latest art show.

Free WiFi is available. Free parking after 6.30pm and all day on Saturday

[button link=”https://www.shortwavecafe.co.uk/” size=“default” icon=”fa-globe” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”b70900″ textcolor=”ffffff”]www.shortwavecafe.co.uk[/button]

Shortwave Cafe Collage

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